

ISBN: 1-894666-78-X (84)

Subject: Time: 1860-2000

Retail price:

USD$ 17.90

CAD$ 17.95

Church Preserved Through Fires Kosin

By Hur, Soon Gil

A History of the Presbyterian Church in Korea

Rev. G. Van Rongen wrote: This book was written by the right person. Dr. Hur became the minister of the Korean Presbyterian Church of Sumoonlo on November 14, 1962. He must have had some special interest in Church history. It was therefore not strange that in the year 1970 he was appointed as professor of Church History at the Korea Theological Seminary at Busan. . . . I am pleased to recommend the reading of this book. It gives a clear picture of the impressive work of our Lord in Korea. In great detail Dr. Hur describes the wondrous way in which the Saviour led His church to freedom and therewith to being of benefit to Korea’s national life.

Church History
