

ISBN: 978-1-77298-073-8

Subject: Theology, History, Doctrine

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Eternal Life - Vision of Biblical Future

By Timmerman, R.

A Vision of the Biblical Future

Discussions about life after this life very often concentrate on the question: “Will we be able to recognize each other then?” That is an important question. But it is not the only question you may ask. Whoever only asks the question about the subject of “recognition,” posits wrong accents. What is less important then becomes most important.

Then a discussion about the future life will contain questions such as: Will we meet each other again? Will a man be aware of the fact that a particular woman was his wife on earth? Will parents recognize their children and children their parents? Will you know: that was my teacher, and with that girl I have carried out evangelism programs? These questions may certainly be asked. But the matter of “recognizing” must not become the exclusive issue in our thinking about the future life.

Bible and Reformed Confessions
