

ISBN: 9781928136002

Subject: Canons of Dort

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Living by Faith - Canons of Dort

By Vander Want, N

Biblical Devotionals Based on the Canons of Dort

Translated by Rev. Richard Stienstra

Of the many ecclesiastical gatherings that have been held in the Netherlands over the centuries, the Synod of Dordrecht (1618-1619) probably had the greatest impact on the country’s church life. It produced a Church Order, Orders of Worship were crafted for worship services, and provision was made for a new Dutch Bible translation (with annotations) which was ready in 1637, and became known as the States Translation (Statenvertaling—in English: The Dort Study Bible). Moreover, the delegates also adopted the Heidelberg Catechism and the Belgic Confession as confessions for the Reformed Churches. In addition, a third confession was produced entitled: “the Canons of Dordrecht,” commonly referred to as “the Canons of Dort.”

Bible and Reformed Confessions
