

ISBN: 0-921100-32-9 (80)

Subject: Time: 1560-1585

Retail price:

USD$ 9.90

CAD$ 11.95

Love in Times of Reformation, Balke

By Balkenende, W. P.

N.N. in The Trumpet: This historical novel plays in The Netherlands during the rise of the protestant Churches, under the persecution of Spain, in the latter half of the sixteenth century. Breaking with the Roman Catholic Church in favor of the new faith is for many an intense struggle. Anthony Tharret, the baker’s apprentice, faces his choice before the R.C. Church’s influenced Baker’s Guild. His love for Jeanne la Solitude, the French Huguenot refugee, gives a fresh dimension to the story. Recommended! Especially for young people.

Historical Fiction for Teens & Adults
